Mind/Body/ Style&Soul


Non-Toxic Beauty Coaching

Are you constantly switching your hair, skincare or body products to find what works for you? Do you have sensitive skin, eczema, dandruff or psoriasis? Do heavy fragrances give you headaches? You might already be using beauty products that are organic and non-toxic but are not giving you the results you desire?

I’m here to guide you through the world of sustainable, non-toxic, luxury, salon professional beauty products! With 15 years of behind the chair experience, I will provide personal suggestions and resources to help you transition your regular beauty products to sustainable, luxury, cruelty free and non-toxic!

Coaching sessions are 30-45 minutes via Google Meet.

30 mins / $25 | 45 mins / $35

Includes an in-depth evaluation of your beauty routines, personalized suggestions for non-toxic body, hair and skincare products, resources and suggestions on how to begin or continue your non-toxic lifestyle!

Click the link below to shop clean beauty products now!

For 10% off at Holistic Hair Tribe

Use code: HHT2643


Distant Reiki

Reiki is an ancient healing practice that has roots in India, Tibet, China and Japan. This special practice has been passed down and kept sacred, as the most important part of Reiki healing is the intention of the practitioner. Reiki translated to english means Universal Life Energy. When our life energy is compromised, you’re susceptible to stress, low energy & fatigue, depression, anxiety, irritability, body aches, pain and even illness. When it’s flowing freely, you’re balanced, composed and promoting a loving healing within that radiates to the world in everything you do. As a Reiki Master, my sessions are an input of pure intentional energy with the use of the 5 Reiki symbols I’ve learned to accelerate the body’s natural ability to heal! Open the flow of physical & emotional energy for self healing that continues long after the session is over!

Reiki sessions are 30-45 minutes via Google Meet.

30 mins / $45 | 45 mins / $55

Sessions include an emotional evaluation, a 4-8 card Tarot reading, guided meditation and Reiki to remove chakra blockages and suggestions on how to continue your healing!


Tarot Reading

Tarot readings are used to help inspire inner-healing and positive manifestations. The Tarot works as a mirror, shining light on things we overlook in our daily lives. How you choose to interpret and reflect on the reading can be profound and spark transformation!

The deck of cards I use has a very gentle approach to traditional Tarot, helping you explore new worlds and dreams from your own wisdom!

Readings are 30-45 minutes via Google Meet.

30 mins / $25 | 45 mins / $35

Readings include an emotional evaluation, a 5-10 card pull, discussion in a safe space over each card’s meaning, how it relates to you and your path.

Yoga Private Practice

Looking for a personalized class experience in the privacy of your own home? Try a one-on-one yoga sequence combined with Reiki!

Each private yoga session is personalized in the present moment for you with intention setting, breath work, meditation, body movement, Reiki to remove blockages and suggestions on how to continue your practice at home alone!

Yoga Practices are 30 or 40 minutes via Google Meet.

30 mins / $25 | 40 mins / $35

Purchase 4 scheduled practices and get the 5th practice free!


Custom Fitness Guide

Not sure where to start? Looking for help but a personal trainer seems like too much and an app isn’t enough? My customized 6 Week Fitness Guide is setup to fit your needs, in the gym or at-home, with one-on-one support!

Once you purchase a Custom Fitness Guide, you’ll receive an introductory questionnaire to fill out then return to me via email to assess your goals. Within 5-7 business days I’ll have your custom fitness program sent to you + suggestions on how to use DREAMSS Supplements to help you Achieve Your Dreamss!

| 6 weeks $200 |

*Your program includes 1 weekly check-in that will be prescheduled via Google Meet for 30 minutes to answer any questions you may have a long the way, provide motivational accountability and adjust your program as needed.

Pair with a Meal Guide for maximum results!


Custom Meal Guide

Do you have an autoimmune disease and struggle with inflammation? Are you dealing with gut issues due to food sensitivities? Are you looking to make a healthy lifestyle change but don’t know where to start? Are you an athlete looking to reach specific goals?

My 6 Week Custom Meal Guide is setup to fit your dietary needs, with one-on-one support!

Once you purchase a Custom Meal Guide, you’ll receive an introductory questionnaire to fill out then return to me via email to assess your concerns, issues and goals. Within 5-7 business days I’ll have a custom meal plan to fit your dietary and lifestyle needs.

| 6 weeks $200 |

*Includes 1 weekly check-in that is prescheduled via Google Meet for 30 minutes to answer any questions you may have a long the way, provide motivational accountability and adjust your program as needed.

Pair with a Fitness Guide for maximum results!


Group Parties & Event Services

Interested in having Stacy lead Reiki, Tarot Readings, Group Fitness or Meditative Yoga at your adult/youth fitness event, wellness retreat or corporate party?

Please contact stacy@inspirestylesoul.com to schedule an appointment or book an event!

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A Healthy Lifestyle!

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